Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Spinach, Tomato and Cheddar Mini-Quiches with Lemon Cashew Cream

I used to love eggs. Not all kinds of eggs. In fact, hardly any kind. I liked scrambled eggs and omelets. That's pretty much it. Not a lot of variety but I really loved eggs in those 2 ways. Eggs were the last animal food I eliminated when I became vegan. For me, cheese was easy. Eggs were hard.

Of course after learing about the horrors of the egg industry, I had to stop supporting the cruelty. Even after almost 5 years, I still miss eggs but just one thought of the baby male chicks being killed is enough to keep me away.

So I create lots of egg-like recipes. I have a bunch of different tofu scrambles: Herbed, Southwestern, Italian, Mexican and even a Chinese scramble. My Spinach, Artichoke and Mozzarella Frittata is not only delicious, it's beautiful for a brunch table.

But I don't always want to use tofu as my egg substitute and I can't eat nutritional yeast. Luckily I've discovered I can get that egg flavor and texture without either one. Chickpea flour, which is my go-to flour, is perfect for this. Adding black salt will further bring out that eggy smell and flavor. These quiches use a chickpea/fava bean flour blend though you can use just chickpea flour. They are vegan, gluten-free and soy-free.

These are so adorable. Little quiches that hold a lot of flavor. I filled these with spinach, tomato and cheddar cheese. They taste kind of like a sophisticated grilled cheese sandwich. You can fill them with whatever you like. For a great party idea, make this using mini-muffin tins and you have a cute and classy finger food. The Lemon Cashew Cream adds a bright and light touch.

Depending on how much filling you use, this recipe can make between 12 and 15 mini-quiches. My Spinach, Tomato and Cheddar Mini-Quiches with Lemon Cashew Cream would make a lovely addition to a Mother's Day Brunch. Enjoy!

Spinach, Tomato and Cheddar Mini-Quiches with Lemon Cashew Cream
Lemon Cashew Cream
1 cup cashews, raw, soaked for several hours
3/4 cup water
Zest of one lemon
Juice of half a lemon
Salt and pepper to taste

Combine all ingredients in a food processor. Mix until the cream is thickened and smooth. Set aside.
Cooking spray
16 oz. frozen spinach, thawed and drained
2 tsp. + 3 Tbs. extra-virgin olive oil, divided
2 cloves garlic, minced
Salt, to taste
1 large or 2 medium plum tomatoes, diced
¾-1 cup vegan cheddar cheese, shredded or diced
2 cups garbanzo/fava bean flour
3 cups cold water
2 tsp. sea salt
1 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. dried thyme
½ tsp. turmeric
¼ tsp. ground nutmeg
Preheat the oven to 450 degrees. Spray a muffin tin with the cooking spray and place it on a cookie sheet. Prepare the fillings so they are ready to use. Make sure all the moisture is squeezed out of the thawed spinach. Heat 2 tsp. of oil in a skillet over medium heat. Add the spinach to the skillet, separating the strands well. Add the garlic and salt. Cook until warmed through. Set aside to cool.
Dice the tomato and the cheese.

In a large bowl, mix the flour and the water with a whisk. Add the oil and the seasonings. Whisk until it is a smooth batter.

Add some spinach, tomatoes and cheddar to each muffin tin cup. You can either transfer the batter into a large glass measuring cup with a spout or use a measuring cup to fill the muffin tins. Fill them almost to the top but not all the way. Using a teaspoon, mix it carefully just to ensure the filling is all the way through the quiche. Add a bit more filling on top.

Bake for 25 minutes or until the quiches look browned and crispy on top. Remove them from the oven and let the muffin tin cool on a baking sheet for at least 10 minutes. Letting them cool will help them be removed from the tin more easily. Carefully remove the mini-quiches from the muffin tin and serve with the Lemon Cashew Cream.

The "V" Word: Say it. Eat it. Live it.


  1. Thank you for sharing this recipe. I'm going to try it. And, thank you for admitting that you miss eggs...I do, too. They're really the only thing I struggle with. But, like you, I would never again eat them after knowing what happens in the "industry" Karen Conlon

  2. Hi Karen,

    I will always admit that I miss some animal foods even after 5 years. After all, I didn't become vegan because I didn't like meat, dairy or eggs. I loved meat; I was an "extra bacon" kind of person. But once I knew the truth, I couldn't be part of it anymore.

    Cravings are not just about taste either. They are about memories, traditions, experiences, feelings and associations. Do I miss eggs for eggs' sake or because I miss the times Tom and I would go to a diner for breakfast? We both miss diner food.

    Having cravings is not what's important. What you do with them is. And for people who say they didn't like meat all that much anyway...well, then it must be easier for them. But for people who really loved meat, dairy or eggs, sticking to our consciences really shows how committed we are to compassionate living.

    You might like this blog post that I wrote especially for those who might be struggling. http://theveeword.blogspot.com/2011/07/3-years-veg-and-7-lessons-learned.html

    Thanks for writing. Hope you like the quiches. xo

  3. Sounds great. BTW, your recipe should mention the step where the spinach-tomato-cheese mixture gets combined with the flour mixture. It seems that step was left out.

  4. Hi Ken,
    The spinach and tomato mixture does not get combined with the flour mixture. The instructions say to put the spinach, tomatoes and cheese in the muffin tins and then pour the batter into the muffin tins.

  5. This looks lovely. Can it be made in a 8 inch pie pan - just one big quiche?

  6. Probably but the cooking time would be longer. Thank you!!

  7. These Mini-Quiches Looks very delicious. All recipes shared on your blog are just awesome. I have bookmarked this blog just to find delicious and new recipes.


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