Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Spinach, Artichoke and Mozzarella Tofu Frittata

Frittatas are one of those dishes that I veganized without ever having eaten in my pre-vegan days. But I wanted to make something light for dinner and as much as I love tofu scrambles, I just wanted to change it up a bit.

This is incredibly easy to make. Putting it together takes 5 to 10 minutes tops and the cooking time is just enough to put together a delicious salad to go with it. It's a perfect dish for breakfast, brunch, lunch or dinner.

Frittatas can have whatever vegetables you like in them - kale, tomatoes, mushrooms, zucchni, etc. You could also add vegan sausage or bacon and whatever vegan cheese you love. I wanted this frittata to have the tastes of spinach artichoke dip. I used a whole can of artichoke hearts and a ton of spinach (there can never be too much green).

And while spinach artichoke dip usually has cheddar-flavored cheese, I prefer the lighter taste of mozzarella so that's what I used. Black salt gives the tofu a taste (and smell until you cook it) reminiscent of eggs so if you like that, get some black salt. If you don't like that, go for Kosher salt.

I like the idea of a dish that is baked and looks put-together but that has no flour, corn starch or other ingredients. It doesn't even have oil in it. Hearty spinach, tangy artichoke hearts and ooey-gooey vegan mozzarella all baked inside the soft but firm tofu. 

My Spinach, Artichoke and Mozzarella Frittata might be my new go-to dinner and it might be yours too. Enjoy!

Spinach, Artichoke and Mozzarella Tofu Frittata

1 block extra-firm tofu, drained
¼ cup nutritional yeast
1 tsp. Dijon mustard
1 tsp. onion powder
1 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. dried oregano
1 tsp. dried basil
1 tsp. black salt
½ tsp. black pepper
½ tsp. turmeric
1-15 oz. can artichoke hearts, drained, squeezed and chopped
4 cups of spinach, stemmed and chopped
½ cup vegan mozzarella, shredded
Cooking spray

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Grease a 9 inch pie pan with cooking spray. In a large mixing bowl, crumble the tofu into very small pieces. It should look like gravel. Add the nutritional yeast, the mustard and the spices and mix well.

Make sure the artichoke hearts have been squeezed of their excess moisture before you chop them. Add them and the chopped spinach to the mixing bowl. Add the mozzarella and mix everything well with a spatula or your hands.

Transfer the tofu mixture to the pie plate and pack it in tight. Press it down into the plate with your hands or the spatula. Bake for 25-30 minutes until the top is browned and the frittata is firm. Remove from the oven and let sit for 10 minutes. This will help the frittata release from the pan. Place a plate over frittata and holding both plates, flip the frittata onto the dinner place. Slice and serve.

The "V" Word: Say it. Eat it. Live it.


  1. This sounds delicious. Have you tried the Vegg? It is really tasty and would work well in this recipe to get the egg-like quality.

  2. Dear Rhea, I saw this on Marla's Facebook page. I found Marla thru a link on The Humane Myth site. Reading her essays on Vegan Feminist Agitator changed my way of looking at things, and I'm so grateful !!

    Anyway, she seems to think a lot of you! I'm guessing that the two of you are actual friends, and that's so cool. I know only one vegan person where I live (Omaha), but I've been making forays into the local veg world. My goal is to be in a room full of vegans at least once!

    I made this frittata tonight, and it was delicious! Marla says you have wonderful recipes, and so you do! I'm looking forward to trying other recipes from this site/blog. Thank you!!

  3. Hi Page, thanks. We did try Vegg a couple of times but we didn't like it. We will try it again since I still have a pack or two. I'm glad there are products out there that can help people move away from eggs! Also, I can't eat much nutritional yeast. I know it's in my recipe but I often skip it. It gives me MSG-type headaches :(

  4. Hi Carolyn, I'm glad you found me! Marla is amazing. We are Facebook friends but one day I hope to meet her in person.

    When Tom and I went veg, we didn't know ANY other vegetarians, let alone vegans. When we became vegan, we joined vegan meetup groups. There is nothing like being in a room filled with like-minded people. I hope you can find some groups in your area. Check Meetup.com

    Hope you enjoy more recipes!

  5. We made this last night and were very happy with the results. I think next time we will omit the salt as we found a bit too salty. Perhaps this was caused by the particular brand of artichokes we used (or the type of soy cheese)? Anyhow, we plan to vary the ingredients next time just for fun, perhaps add some sauteed mushrooms and garlic! Thanks for a fun recipe!

  6. You are really fantastic. I love your blog :)

  7. This was dee-licious, or, as I saw someone else say when commenting on your recipes, Vee-licious! My wife and I polished this off in no time at all. Wonderful flavor and texture. The only minor change we made was less black salt, since its smell is so potent.

    Carolyn, if you're still reading, check out Vegan Omaha (ww.vegaomaha.com) - great group.


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