Thursday, December 27, 2012

The "V" Word's Top Ten Posts of 2012

One of the traditions of New Year's Eve is the countdown to the New Year, the ball dropping, kisses and confetti. So here is a countdown of The "V" Word's most popular posts of 2012.

10.  Happy New Year: Rosh Hashanah Menu for 5773
A delicious feast to start the new year off right including Mushroom and Walnut Pate, Borscht and Beet Greens Salad, Tofu with Apple and Onion Relish, Stuffed Squash, Apple Walnut Muffins, Chia Puddings and more!

 9. Jennifer Esposito and Celiac Disease/Gluten-Free Living

This post covers the journey of actress and activist, Jennifer Esposito, who is spreading awareness and education about celiac disease. Jennifer founded the Jennifer's Way Foundation for Celiac Education (JWF) which, along with education, research and awareness, works with regulatory agencies to update laws pertaining to the packaging, labeling and marketing of gluten-free ingredients in consumer products.
On her blog, Jennifer shares amazing recipes, many of them vegan. She also created her own line of gluten-free all-purpose flour and pancake mixes. Jennifer's Way is the only pre-made flour mix I buy because it is made with unrefined nutritious ingredients and works great in all recipes.

8. Superbowl Menu - Go Giants!

I'd like to think that my Superbowl menu contributed to the New York Giants' victory over the New England Patriots. A huge list of appetizers, entrees and party food, here The "V" Word stood for Victory!

7. Chickpea Fries

One of my favorite appetizers: crispy, spicy addictive chickpea fries. Since I can't get to Peacefood Cafe to have theirs, I had to learn to make my own!

6. The Pioneer Woman and "Chicken-Fried" Tofu Steaks and Creamy Mashed Potatoes with White Gravy

Ok, I got my snark on here and had some fun at the expense of The Pioneer Woman but I have to admit, I got some super-indulgent food out of her. And we can talk about kale salad all we want but people went crazy over this meal. Yes it's healthier than her version but it still comes with a "don't get on the scale the next day" warning :)

5. Sesame Tofu

I can't tell you how much I miss Chinese food, restaurant Chinese food. Even though there is ONE restaurant kind of nearby me, I like making my own. That way I know what's in it. I can make it gluten-free, I control the sodium, I can say no to cornstarch and other additives. This dish is amazing!

4. Penne with Roasted Garlic, Butternut Squash, Kale and Hazelnuts

What's not to love about this beautiful dish? Roasted garlic - Mmmm! Butternut squash - sweet, savory and delicious! Kale - healthy and yummy! Hazelnuts - crunchy goodness! Vegan cheese - gooey and decadent! What's left to say? Make this!!

3. Cashew Based Vegan Butter (Palm-Oil Free, Soy Free)

With the growing controversy over the use of palm oil, it's getting harder and harder to buy anything. Luckily, making our own vegan butter is super-easy. My version is made with cashews and is both palm oil free and soy free but it can easily be adapted if you want to use soy.

2. Vegan Mozzarella Sticks

Once a favorite, always a favorite. This recipe is gluten-free but could also be made with panko for those who eat gluten. Crispy on the outside, ooey-gooey on the inside. Appetizers rule!!

1. Tempeh Reuben Sandwiches

I have to say, this surprised me. Not because it's not a great recipe because it is. It's delicious! But this recipe has twice as many views as the next most viewed recipe, the Mozzarella Sticks. That makes me think that somewhere out there in cyberland, people are sharing this recipe and I don't know about it. Well, if that's the case, thank you anonymous sharers. This sandwich, which is something we love to eat out, is really good and could be gluten-free - it all depends what bread you put it on.

So there you have the Top Ten Posts of 2012. The runners up (which are definitely worth mentioning) are: Gluten-Free Ciabatta Bread; Butternut Squash and Black Bean Enchiladas with Mango Avocado Salsa; Paula Deen and Tofu Georgia; Gluten-Free Italian Sausage, Part II; and Seitan Steak in Beurre Blanc Sauce with Oven-Baked Fries.

You can also check out the Top Ten Posts of 2011 and of course, the Top V (5) Posts of All Time are listed on the right side of the blog page.

I look forward to writing more recipes, reviews and essays in 2013, along with The "V" Word Cookbook (I know, I KNOW!), and having you with me as my lifelong vegan journey continues.

Wishing everyone a very Happy, Healthy and Compassionate New Year filled with Love, Laughter and Kindness!!

The "V" Word: Say it. Eat it. Live it.


  1. Oh yeah, the chickpea fries ... definitely going to try those! These all look fabulous!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. soooo happy with these recipes! they're easy and i've had successes without having to "tweak" them!

    newly vegan - March 2013

    the nori in the chickpea "tuna" salad - genius!

    the omelet turned out just right! waaay better than my (ew) egg omelets ever turned out...

    can't wait to try the beet burgers :)

  4. Yay! I'm glad you're having success with them Angela!


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