Saturday, December 31, 2011

The "V" Word's Top Posts of 2011

One of the traditions of New Year's Eve is the countdown to the New Year, the ball dropping, kisses and confetti. So here is a countdown of The "V" Word's most popular posts of 2011.

10. Mexican Sunday Brunch - a delicious feast of Mexican Tofu Scramble, Spanish-Style Potatoes, Pico de Gallo and Red Guacamole. Delicioso!

9. Vegan Gluten-Free, Soy-Free Whipped Creams and Chocolate Mousse - it's no surprise this very recent post is already popular and will probably gain popularity in the future...unless everyone keeps their New Year's resolution to cut back on sweets.

8. Chickpea "Tuna" Salad - this salad brings back the familiar flavor of tuna without the cruelty. Someone told me that this salad was all their relative needed to stop eating tuna forever!

7. My 5 Favorite Gift Ideas that Help Sanctuaries and Animal Rescues - great gift ideas for all year round where you get to give twice - to the gift recipient and to the animals.

6. VeganMoFo: The "V" Word and the ABC's of Vegan Food - this October was my first VeganMoFo and it was a blast. The "V" Word celebrated a month of vegan food with the other 25 letters of the alphabet with 25 essays, reviews and recipes.

5. Chickpea Burgers with Tzatziki Sauce - I love this recipe. I love chickpeas. I love that this post made the top 5.

4. Jalapeno Poppers Revisited - this was my "J" entry for VeganMoFo. A healthier baked version of my popular poppers. I'm making these tomorrow!

3. Jalapeno Poppers - my original fried poppers recipe. At one point, this was my most popular blog post and most popular recipe. It was featured on and VeganEtsy.

2. Yam Banana Mash and Yam Cakes - this is another VeganMoFo entry that is recent but shot up the charts, especially during the holidays. I'll be curious to see if the yams keep their position once the holidays are over or whether the poppers will reclaim their position. Right now, this is my most popular recipe!

1. Breaking Up with Richard Gere - I really can't explain this phenomenon. A funny post that I wrote about a dream I had has become my most popular post OF ALL TIME. Not my recipes, not my posts about my Vegan Journey, not my lessons learned from being vegan, not my essays about weight loss. Nope, The "V" Word's most popular post of 2011 and of all time since the blog started is "Breaking Up with Richard Gere." I wonder if Richard's read it yet?

Looking forward to writing more recipes, reviews and essays in 2012 and having you with me as my Vegan journey continues.

Wishing everyone a very Happy, Healthy and Compassionate New Year!!

The "V" Word: Say it. Eat it. Live it.


  1. I love your top ten of 2011. I can totally see why the dream of Richard Gere is your top post. First off, you picked the perfect first picture of him. Oh, yeah, that's going to be a draw right away. Then, it's such a unique post on a vegan site. And, by the way, I just clicked on it too, and I agree, a vegan girl can dream! Hmm, I wonder if my perfect photo of Rutger Hauer would do the trick? :-)

  2. Happy New Year, Blessed Mama. Oh, I love men in tuxes. So handsome. And yes, that picture, that scene in the movie is heaven :)

    Rutger Hauer - is he the guy from The Hitchhiker?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I am new to your blog, and just wanted to drop a quick message- what an inspiration you are! I am looking foward to making soo many of your recipes, letting others know about your blog, and sending you love, too. Happy New Year!


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