Friday, October 21, 2011

VeganMoFo: "P" is for Potato Crusted Seitan

The "V" Word continues the celebration of VeganMoFo, the month of delicious Vegan food, with the other 25 letters of the alphabet. "P" is for Potato Crusted Seitan.

Since I have been gluten-free for many months, I suppose "P" could also stand for "past" and because I miss seitan so very, very much, it could also stand for "petulant" and "painstaking." This is not to say that I never cheat but I save that for special occasions (like ThanksLiving dinner cooked by Terry Hope Romero; you'll have to wait for "T" to read about that incredible meal).

This is a dish I actually made before I became gluten-free but never got around to blogging it. So for all of you who can and do eat seitan, here is my amazing Potato Crusted Seitan.

I used to make seitan all the time so there were always seitan cutlets in the refrigerator just waiting to be turned into something delicious. You can find my recipe for seitan cutlets here. If you don't eat seitan, this would also work with tempeh or marinated slices of tofu.

In this dish, I use thin slices of potatoes coated in seasoned, melted Vegan butter to crust the seitan cutlets and then pan-fry them until they are browned. The cutlets are soft and tender with a crispy potato crust. You get your entree and side in one outstanding combination. If you're a wheat-meat and potatoes lover, this is for you!

Potato Crusted Seitan Cutlets


4 tablespoons Vegan butter
1/2 teaspoon dried basil
1/4 teaspoon paprika
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon pepper
Salt to taste
2 large baking potatoes, preferably Russets, peeled
4 seitan cutlets (see recipe)
1 Tbs. safflower oil


In a small sauce pan, add the butter and the spices and heat until the butter is melted. Place the melted butter in a large bowl.

Cut the potatoes in half lengthwise. With a mandolin or a vegetable peeler, thinly slice the potatoes, making long paper-thin slices. Dip the potato slices into the melted butter or you can brush the slices with the butter, if you prefer.

Lay some of the potato slices in a straight row, overlapping each slice halfway with the next. Place a seitan cutlet on top of the potato slices. Fold the ends of the potato slices to meet on top of the cutlet. Lay more potato slices on the top of the cutlet, folding the ends to meet on the bottom. Make sure the cutlet is completely covered with potato but keep the layer thin.

Place the potato-wrapped cutlet on a platter and repeat with the remaining potatoes and cutlets. Refrigerate the four potato-wrapped cutlets for about 30 minutes to let the potatoes set.

Heat a large sauté pan or skillet over medium-high heat. Add the oil to the pan and then add the cutlets to the pan. Lower the heat to medium and cook 3-4 minutes on one side until the potatoes brown. Carefully turn the cutlets with a spatula, trying to keep the potatoes in place. Cook for another 3-4 minutes to brown the other side. Serve immediately. Enjoy!

"P" is for Potato Crusted Seitan Cutlets. For other "P" words, check out my Purple Cauliflower Soup with Vegan Cheddar Crisps and my Portobello Mushrooms with Artichoke Hearts and Sun-dried Tomatoes.

The "V" Word: Say it. Eat it. Live it.

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