Saturday, October 1, 2011

VeganMoFo: "A" is for Apple Walnut Muffins

Welcome to my 1st VeganMoFo post!

The "V" Word normally celebrates all the wonders of the incredible "V" word - Vegan - but this month I am going to let all the other letters of the alphabet play too!

And where better to begin than with the letter "A" which today is all about my Vegan and Gluten-Free Apple Walnut Muffins.

Now that might sound simple but those of you who know me know that I don't bake so for me, even muffins is a big deal. It's apple-picking time and I got myself a huge bag of apples straight off the trees so apples are showing up in a bunch of my recipes lately. I'll share more of them at a later time...I promise.

My Apple Walnut Muffins are delicious and moist. Fresh-picked sweet apples, crunchy chopped walnuts, spicy cinnamon and nutmeg - all combined in a little treat that is vegan, gluten-free and soy-free. A simple and great way to start off this amazing Month of Food.

Apple Walnut Muffins


2 Tbs. flax mixed with 6 Tbs. water (binder)
¼ cup vegetable oil
¼ cup unsweetened apple sauce
½ cup raw brown sugar (or sweetener of your choice)
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 cup apples, shredded and squeezed dry
1/2 cup brown rice flour
1 cup garbanzo/fava bean flour
Note: use the types of flour you like best. If you're not gluten-free, whole wheat pastry flour works well.
1 tsp. kosher salt
1 tsp. baking powder
¼ tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. nutmeg
½ cup walnuts, chopped


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Grease a muffin tin with oil or cooking spray.

Mix the flaxseed with the water until it’s a loose paste. This is your binder.

Mix the dry ingredients (first 7 ingredients) in a large bowl. In another bowl, mix the flaxseed/water, oil, apple sauce, sugar, and vanilla. Add the apples to the wet mix and stir them in well.

Add the dry ingredients to the wet and mix until the batter is smooth. Then add the walnuts into the batter.

Fill the muffin tin about ¾ of the way since the muffins will rise. Bake for about 25 to 30 minutes until a toothpick comes out clean.

Let the muffins cool in the tin and then put them on a cooling rack.

"A" is for Apple Walnut Muffins. For another "A" Word, check out my Aduki Bean Salad.

The "V" Word. Say it. Eat it. Live it.



  1. Looks ridiculously delicious!! Cant wait until more people catch on and I can go out to my corner vegan eatery!!

  2. These look so delicious, and healthy. Goes right into my recipe file.

  3. I am happy to see you are well. I think of you often.


  4. I'm doing an alphabet theme too!

  5. Thank you Kay, Flavia and Ishka.

    Tahini - great minds think alike!

  6. They sound (and look) delicious. I'm saving this one!


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