Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Dog of the Day

My Angel, Poochie, was named Dogster's Dog of the Day today. I am so proud and it's one of the few things I've smiled about lately.

Of course, Poochie is my Dog of the Day everyday. She is my heart, my soul, my heartbeat.

I love her and miss her so much. Even 3 1/2 years later, the pain is always there. But so are the good memories and all she gave to me. I pray she is happy and that there really is a Rainbow Bridge. I thank all the people at for helping me get through it all. Every Monday night at 10pm, we light our candles for Poochie, for all the sick and dying furbabies and for all the animals in the world. 

This is a prayer I wrote for her:

Dear God, Bless my Poochie
Bless her spirit and her soul
Bless her beautiful body and make it strong again and whole
Please keep her happy and healthy, safe and warm and dry
Protect her both where I laid her down and where with wings she flies.

Let her be able to walk again, to run and jump and play
Let her dreams be sweet ones; give her peace and fun each day.
Please don't ever let her be cold or wet or scared or feel alone
Don't ever let her feel pain again, let her illness all be gone.
She never deserved one moment of pain after all the good she's done
She deserves only great rewards in her new eternal home.

Please ask her to forgive me for all I did not do
For not being able to protect her from all that she went through
I could neither heal her nor take her pain away
My love could not save her life as hers did for me each day
Please ask her to forgive me for taking her life away
I could not bear to hear her cry or watch her suffer one more day

Please ask her to forgive me if I made a wrong or hasty choice
Her painful cries were so loud they drowned out any doubtful voice
Now the silence lets the doubts scream out so loud and clear
Filled with questions and regrets I let her go too soon, I fear.
I pray she knows I acted out of love, so true and pure
She was the purpose in my life, the one my heart beat for

She proved to me true love exists, love I could count on
She saved my life a thousand times and gave me reason to go on.
I pray she knows how much I loved her and how much I love her still
More than anything I have ever loved or anything I ever will
I pray she knows how much I miss her, how I long to hold her close
To feel her in my arms again, kiss her head, her feet, her nose
To look into her deep brown eyes and know she understood
To have her love and faith in me, she believed that I was good.
She gave me courage, hope and strength and something to live for
It is because of her my heart still beats, because of her that I endure.

I thank You, God, for the blessing of the angel You sent my way
I thank You for every moment with her, every hour, every day
I don't know what I did to deserve this precious gift You brought
But I know I must continue to live the lessons Poochie taught.

So please, God, Bless my Poochie
She did so much good in so few years
Shower her with blessings that outnumber all my tears
Let her still watch over me until my life comes to its end
Then let us be reunited, Forever, together again.

Congratulations My Angel Poochie. I love you. Forever, Mommy


  1. awww. I also pray that she is in good hands. I went ahead and made you a widget for poochie, you can use it if you want, just email me @ Just thought it would make you smile : )

  2. Nice brief and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you as your information.

  3. Rhea- what a beautiful love story about your little angel. You obviously were together in past lives and will surely find each other again. You are blessed to have such a wonderful, adoring and supportive husband.


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